The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

SEYMOUR DAILY, TRIBUNE, SEYMOUR. .1 i 1 1 a "i LOST AND FOUND -r FOR RENT -1 V. ft ltAUCi-2 By 7 FOR RENT 4-room, all modern, garage. Reasonable rest. 1 I' September 4, 1936 Wheat, No; I $1.03 Wheat, No, 2 1.02 Cora, white, 1.

$1X5 Corn, yellow .00 Mixed corn v. 98c Bye POULTRY Heiry Hen -vi j.f., 14c Leghorn hens; 10c Springers, pvef 1 IbaX 13o Leghorn 1 lbs. op. Barebaoka 84 Old roosters 7c Young guineas, 1 lbs-, up. ..20 Old guineas 15o Frazior a DISBjilPER REMEDY pOBSXa.

WVUBM. OOi BXB 1 At the tlrat ltm "ot fOtJJ, OOUGH, SHIPIMNO F8VKR OR ANY IRRITATION OF THE THROAT OR MJNG8 Rive 'on teaspoontul before tb ftedlaf In th mornlB ud aanie amount atur the feedln at night (or tbroa diyi or mora in auocsalon. Olv all animals in the table to prevent the spread of the disease. 5 S3caiidB0'c female racoon, liberal reward for return. Phillip Creeelius, 009 West FOUND If yon pay iesa than charge, you mast accept less than we give.

Wrapp's Tire Serried Call 497- dOdtf ANTED SALESMAN WANTED By well known oil company. Experience-' unnecessary. No investment required. Immediate steady income for man with car. Write P.

Webster, 649 Standard Building, Cleveland, Ohio. dlt 10 5. o. ,1 4 WANTED Plumbing wort Agency for fork Oil Burners. J.

L. Blerins, T18 North Walnut Phone 745. dtf WANTED Lady roomers. Modern home. Meals if pre- erred.

Phone 461 -R. 525 W. Fourth. t5d 'WANTED Man to cut corn. W.

Tuttle, Route 2. s5d FOR SALE 0 way. to the Reservation to hunt top a coople of bocks to bury 'em and bring In the "Sit dowa here, Jane, directed the 'doctor, "got tbe boy a pot; of "And boil plenty of clean water on the stove." "Yes, doctor. BUI is going to stop here on the way In, Isn't be?" Pardaloe nodded. "Ought to show up after white." Jsne ran to the kitchen.

She roused Quong to heat, the water, i "No continued deep In a saucer of hot coffee, "I didn't see It. I was over on the west side ot the creek itt'a bad crossln' there. I don't know bow BI11 came np. They never conld-a got him across down there, TPe cut over Hhe reservation and plugged for Gunlock He pricked np bis ears and Interrupted himself. "Shucks! That sounds like somebody now!" Jane listened eagerly.

"I can't hear anyone," she said. "You will In a minute. There they are again." jane ran for the door. "Hold on a minute. Missy," exclaimed Pardaloe.

"Let's' make sure who it He opened the door himself, stepped quickly outside, nnd shut It behind him. Within a very few minutes, ages to Jane, she heard the stamping of hordes. Pardaloe tiling the door open and called for Carpy. Jane hurried out with him. Drooping low, Denison, Iron-willed, had stuck to the end of the gruelling ride, Scott told him they had followed up tbe east bank of the creek he himself on Rebstock's horse; how by great good fortune they had found a flask of whisky In Rebstock's saddle-bag, and that this had helped revive th wouuded man when they halted to "spell" him; and how they had crossed Deep Creek at a reservation ford not far below Gunlock ranch.

Carpy and Pardaloe lifted Denlsoo down from the horse. Jane supported bis head and stooped to caress him and murmur low words. They laid him on her bed. While Carpy tore pen Deolson's clothing and made hasty examination, prickets of hot water were lii-ought in. The surgeon, with wearied back, presently straightened up.

"Jane," he saiil solemnly, "you're a lucky irl. The bullet that meant death for your boy struck his belt bnrkle and tore around his side. Look here. Tills was all I was afraid of, this stomach wound. I didn't think so much about Bill.

here. But. Jane, I didn't want yon fixing for a fon-entl when you ought to be fixing for a wedding! We'll get him back to the hospital In a few days." 'nh, no, Doctor." exclaimed Jane unsteadily, hut with cold decision. "Why. what do you mean, girl?" "I mean he's at Gunlock to stay, lie's never 'olng to leave it!" (THE KND) LOUISE THADEN WINS AIR RACE (Continued from page one) Are yon hit, Blur "I stopped a couple" ot slugs What about McCrossen ne asked "He's Jyln" over by the bridge.

Be wants to tnlk to yon, Bill." "What tbe hell does he want to talk to me tor?" "He asked me to tell yen he did. You can't lose no time, BUL Can you stand up?" i "Twist a tourniquet around this arm before I try It, Bob. Don't trust McCrossen. Have you got his guns? He'd like nothing better than another crack at me," muttered Dent son, staggering, with Scott's help, to his fet. i "McCrogseu'g stripped clean," declared Scott- "He's djio.

That's tbe plain troth. Can't yon make np your mind to see what he wants? "Go ahead. But give me my gun aud watch ont," muttered Denison. In the light of the moon, McCrossen, propped up by Frying Pan, reclined against tbe trunk of a half-grown tree. "Here's Bill, Dave," Scott spoke low and gently.

"You said you wanted to speak to him." "Yes, Dave?" said Denison, haltingly. "I'm done. Bill." "Dave," exclaimed Denison. "I'm sorry It had to end this way." "I talked pretty rough tonight," said McCrossen, brokenly, spitting the blood out of his throat. "That's all right, Dave." "Didn't really mean It all.

You've always shot square, Bill. If some folks I've trained with bad done that way, I mightn't be here tonight. Bill, a favor" i "Go oo, Dave." 'I've got an old-maid sister back Kast. She's all I've got. I'd hats her to know this come, rustlln', Bill." "It'll never be said, Dave." "Let It he a straight-out light.

Bill you know." "I know, Dave; I know. What's her address?" "In my trunk. BUI," murmured McCrossen thickly. "Promise?" "I promise." "Give me your hand." Tardnloe was the first to reach ilunlock on the way home shortly before daylight. Ue rode In i on" hl way to town to get hold of Dr.

f'nrpy for Denison, whose condition worried him. Fortunately the surgeon was al ready at Gunlock, whither he had teen summoned to care for Sawdy. With Sawdy flesh wound al ready bandaged, Carpy sat in the living room, drinking a pot of cof-tce supplied by Jane. He was enjoying in leisurely fash inn his third or fourth cup of hi iii i ns stimulant when the sound of hoofs was heard. In a moment resounding rap came at the door started.

In terrilied apnea', she looked at the doctor. Carpy re sponded by calmly wiping his lips-Jane had Introduced napkins nt Guulpck and June; to her bedroom. Who's he demanded curtly. 'Bill Pardaloe!" came the booming response. Carpy Hung the door open.

Jane ran ont of the bedroom. Creese 4o Ducks So Turkey hens, old 10c Tnrkeys, toms, old 8c Turkeys, No. 2. 80 Egps 20c Pullet eggs 12c Butterfat, No. 1.

Sle Butterfat, No. 29o HIDES AND FURS Tallow, clear beef, lb.W. 4c Fall wool sheep akin, each. 60c Shearling, each 20c Pig akin, each 10c No. 1 green hides, lb 6c No.

1 green calf hides, under 15 lbs 7c Bull hides, over 60 3e Horse hides, No. 1 large with mane and tail $2.75 Horse hides, No. 2 large. CHICAGO GRAIN By Associated Prsa. September 5, 1936 High Low Close WHEAT Sept.

l.f2V4 l.lH4 1.11; Dec. 1.11 l.MVg 1.10 May 1.091jt 1.08' i 1.08"' CORN- Sert. 1.13 l.l lVa 1.12 Dec. .97 MVa Mav .91 .9134 OATS Sept. .41 7 .42 Dec.

-43 Mav .43 V. INDIANAPOLIS LIVESTOCK By Associated Prcaa. Indianapolis, Sept. 5 U. S.

Department of Agriculture). Iloits 1,700, steady, bulk Cattle calves 100, compared with close last week, steers steady to 25 higher, $8 STRANGE AS IT SEEMS By. JOHN HIX tTor. farther proof address the author; Inclosing a stamped eBvalope tor reply. Sac' U.

B. Pat Ready-Sept. 10. 6 rooms, all modern, garage. Ready Phone 50.

slOd FOR RENT Five room apart: Bient with frigidaire, heat and water. 418 W. 2nd. See Mr. Hardesty at Hardestv Ilotel.

a24dtf FOR RENT Six room modern. Available September 10. Inquire 508 West Fifth. Beh Ileins. s5d FOR RENT Furnished four room house on Broadway.

Inquire 214 St. Louis. s3dtf FOR RENT Three room apartment, modern, unfurnished. Inquire at Tribune. slid FOR RENT Nicely furnished modern apartment.

515 East Third. FOR RENT Furnished apartment. Mrs. W. II.

Hughes. Phone 388-R, FOR RENT Furnished apartment. Inquire 114 Kat Second. s5d MISCELLANEOUS Card of Thanks. We wish to extend our thanks to our friends and neichhors for their assistance and expressions of sympathy extended to following the death of our infunt son and brother.

Robert Eugene 'llelm-hrweht. Especially do we (hank the Rev. R. S. Wilson and Frank J.

Voss and Son. dlt The Fa mil Notice Haircuts 35c. Children's haircuts 25c. Shaves 15c. Open Wednesday and Friday uights.

Three barbers, Perry, Hob and Lee. White's Barber Shop. s5d ALL CHILDREN'S MAI CITS 15 cents. Open evenings till 7:30 p. in.

10 p. in. Saturdays. Two barbers. 213 Indianapolis Ave.

Harper's Barber Shop. s5l ROW'S THE TIME to get your timepiece timed for schoot. Louis Tiemeier, Jeweler, over the Bee Hive. s'idtf COME IN, SEE the new C'ros-Icy Hair Growing Machine. Snyder and Corman Barber Shop.

s8d GENERAL Insurance and Real Estate. J. V. Itichart Telephone 22. Trust Building.

m25dtf PLUMBING Electrie work, sewing machine repairing. Carter's. Phone 237. a3dtf DAVIS rebuilds any watch. Year's guarantee.

$3.95. 403 So Chestnut. gild SEPTEMBER SPECIAL Oil permanent, $2.00. Kain Beauty Shop. JOTART PUBLIC Anna E.

Carter. Tribune Offioe. Seymour, Indiana. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS fr votxob or ADmarziTSATiow. iilke Is hereby given that the un-1rilKnl ha ben appointed by the riirk i.f the riroult Court of Jiirk-koii County.

Slate 'f Indiana, Administrator with the will iniwl tlic FMnte of Kred Ortstadt. late Cnimtv. deoeaiied. KiiUl palate la nupoutied to be Vlllt At.TKR ORTHTADT AlmlnlHtrator' with the will annexed. Done thlp 2Kth day of August.

I2 It. Itarnes, Atty. AiBSD.Uil LODGE NOTICES F. A. M.

Work in E. A. Ilegrre Monday evcnini; Sc)t. 7, Jackson Lodge, A. C.

WilliHins, W. II. C. Massinnti. Kccv.

s7d IN MUSIC FESTIVAL Miller Is Member of Group to Play at State Fair. Miss Delorcs Miller a nicm-er of the group of musicians who will play at the music festival at the Indiana Statu Fair, it has been learned here. An announcement received here -from Indiana Cniversity listed other county musicians who are to play but it has Wen learned that Miss Miller is to be in the group also. She is a comet is and has played on numerous occasions in this and adjoining counties. Apra, 'port of entry Guam, American-owned tela in mid-Pa -cifie, is closed to foreign coa-mere eicept by special permit.

FRANK n. Ooprrlaht rraok 8: WNU Ivrlw To this day the sI that Denison Jumped has never been measured. The reckless rider had been spotted when he was lees than halfuuv across. McCrossen, riding' behind tbe cattle, had galloped forward wben Jlebstock ahead was intercepted and questioned by Scott. The half-breed's gun signals had been taken by Redstock as an att.ick.

and be had fired back. Before eith er side really knew what It was all about, they were exchanging shcts. But tbe Instant McCrossen saw the horse dashing along the rotten bridge, bis sixth sense of dam-'er guessed the rider for an enemy, 4nd without a moment's hesitation he trained a rifle on him and fired By a chance that rarely favors desperate measures, Denison sprawled from the final leap across the bridge gap Into a frlDge of sand and willows that overgrew the eastern bridge approach. Threading the undergrowth on his trembling horse, Denison got away from tbe bridge as fast as he could somebody was stir! throwing rifle klugs toward It; but once anny from the danger point, he lost no time in making himself heard. Denison.

from the willows, called loudly, "Who's driving these cattle?" "The. man that owns em," shout ed McCrossen, riding ont Into the open, fifty yards away. "Who the hell are you, hldin' In that brush? If you're a man, show yonrseif." Denison pushed Into the open. "You're driving this bunch, McCrossen?" "I am. What do yon want, Deni son?" be demanded angrily.

"I want these steers, McCrossen. And I want you." "These steers belong to me for wages, an' I've got twice as ltuny back there yet. Now I've got Just one word for you, Denison: Get out of my way an' keep out of my way." "If you've got any rights in these cattle, turn 'cui bnek to the Meadows and lay your claim for wases before the Stockmen's Claims Board," retorted Denison. "What the hell's all this to yon? Do you claim demanded McCrossen savagely. "I don't claim a hoof, but I to talk with you, McCrossen, before you Jump to the Panhandle." "What about?" 'About who fired my ranch house and about Henry Sawdy." "Tryin to pick a quarrel with me, eh, Denison? Well, you needn't try-very hard.

I don't like you, Denison. I never did. I never had any imp for you. Now will yon pull off these hums that are I Hi n' my steers?" "Will yon head 'em back for the Meadows and talk to me?" "No "So The two refusals were fast. But while lie second was being uttered, Itcbstock cried, "Crowd him, Dave'" nnd fired at Denison.

The next Inxtnut three horsemen wre plunzlne at one another on rearing horses and throwing their shots at one another In a very uncertain light. None of the three was new at the deadly jnm each used his own pet tactics. McCrossen took his partner's advice. The three had talked twenty yards apart. Mc-('nimen and ftebstock daslied In from two sides of the triangle to kill before Denison could retreat.

In fact, retreat was out of the thinking. Denison. caught between I he two men, was forced to divide hi Ore. With a blow stinging his left arm, he Jumped bis horse past the two, whirled, sod came hack outside, with McCrossen shooting at him fast. The maneuver of Den-iKon's ptit McCrossen Into Ueb-stock's llne of fire.

But hardly had Denlsoo whirled when be felt a sickening blow In the atomai'h from McCrossen' tu. hardly ten yards away. He had been crouching on his horse's hack and was already stirrup-loose. He slid off and rolled like a cat toward the brush. Rebstock saw the trick but, forgetting that a wounded man Is the most dangerous msn, he yelled and spurred straight at him.

The horse refused the smell of hkod. He shisd. Rebstock spurred irmj." burseTearctl. tlie fee ble light of the moon struck, tor an Instant, Rehstock's features. In that instant Denison fired point-blank at biro.

KWly expecting that McCrossen would ride lu to flulsli til liaison flipped open tbe-loading gate of his gun Instinctively, and puncled ont tbe empty shells. Ills bead In whirl, expecting that any instant McCrossen would he him, -Denison tried te reaxtd. Just as bt got the cartridge into bis revolver, he caught the sound of a horse's hoofs and then heard Boh Scott catling, "Here, excTalUled Detilson from the brash, out for Mc Crossea." Scott sltppsd-off his horse. -Mc Crosseo won't. JMper for a walls.

SPEARMAN mm I rnijo I who had held the approach throughout the night; were left dead at the scene of the figfatiru? together with five wounded Thi) ty-fivo more fled across the 4jljWr foot' river to safety on French territon. i Ten anarchists, who had joined the militiamen in the broody fense of the bridge, died in the hail of bullets. Sereral rebel shells fell near the French customs house at Uendaye and others blew houses on the I run side to The battle started when 200 Socialists, who had fled before a fierce rebel attack yesterday, returned1 to seize the Spanish approach to the international bridge from Iron 1o Hendaye. A Canadian fanner John Miles, was surprised when a rah- bit popped ont of a grain reaper neatly bound in a sheaft of wheat. The startled rabbit had leaped into the machine and was whirled quickly through the binding machinery- jot A Hve-storv dive from the of an apartment building at Sac ramento, wa the boast of Tippv.

vear-old fox terrier, who emereed from his experience with watreinsr tail and frightened eyes but hardlv a scratch. I ment while it remains in the akin. White on the; other, band, are made ot juice which is not allowed' to ferment untihex- a 1. Color Detection Tbo average; human eye. ia.

far more sensitive than is generally Jl I retuikeu. i. ia eaiiraaieo. mm there are actually more than 2 i 000,000 different shades and ho of color. Ithar cad be detected I Ksk SI esOM lltSVVt DM ry trained otor experts ea detect l-90006th part ted wheir Added to a batch.

of yeUo'dje. 1 XL. 1 ON THE FARM Jimmy went to the farm this summer to visit his grandpa and tie saw lots of things he never saw before. He was very fond of one animal on the farm aad here is a picture of Jimmy looking at the animal at play. You will have to finish the picture by joining all the numbered dots together, starting with dot number one and ending with dot number forty-nine.

Try coloring this picture with yoar crayons. 9.25. Top beiferx $950, cows steady, Vealers nominally steady, not quoted. Sheep 200, lambs nominally steady. BITTER BATTLE IS ON IN SPAIN (Continued from page one) directions, down the streets through the flame-seared city and through cornfields alone the outskirts.

The two foreea met on the Spanish side in sharp hand-to-huud Hjfhtinsr. Superior numbers (rave the rebels the advantage and they swarmed onto the bridge, sweepinsr the government defenders before them. Three of the Socialist forces. OHt PfSRl Or IM PCiKTepMTriErwmae Bell Tree Hung in the top of a tall tree in 1873, the bell of Taooma's first church, 8t Peter's Episco paL TemainedT fliere or tolal of sixty-two years: It was necessary to cut the Irving belfry down Jate in 1935 when the tree rotted to the extent of threatening to fall 'at each pull of the bell rojje. Wine.

Colon -Red wines are red, not. because ot the odor the 'grape from which they are mad tut through allowing the grape pulp to fer AUGUST PRICES ON SEY-KOUR CHICKS Blood tested AA grade Barred, Buff, White Rocks, Bhode, Island Reds, White Wy-andottes, Buff Orpingtons, $6.45 100. English White Leghorns, Buffs, Browns $5.95 100. Heavy Mixed, $6.00. Assorted, $5.40.

Seymour Hatchery, Seymour, lnd. Phone 581. jy8t FOR SALE OR TRADE For house in Seymour. 11 acres, 3 room cottage, good barn, garage, chicken house, good cellar, other buildings, some fruit. Short dis tance from school, church, store which handles most everything.

If interested, call at 925 West Oak street, Seymour. sod For Sale Six room cottage, 628 South Vine street. A good buy lor $1200.00. W. I Clark, V.hslagc Bldg.

Phone 5. Buy a Schepman Lot. dlt MONUMENTS and MARKERS --Buy direct from the mamifae-'turer. The linger granite Works, 421 Fourth Street, Columbus, Ind. A trip to Columbus will pay.

s21d HOUSE TRAILERS "Covered Wagons," modern, fully quipped. 'Open evenings. Dale Swengel, Lingo Oarage, Seymour, Indiana. s5d FOR SALE Cut flowers lor all occasions Delphinium, Roses, Lfllies, Gladiolus, Asters Phoue 64, Windhorst Greenhouse. jy24dtf GET A BOTTLE of your favorite hair tonic.

Oil or Nhain-poo. Collm Miller Barber Shop. 114 W. Tiptou. tJi.l FOR BALE 30 special matin-white rock i hi lifts.

2e lamml. Mrs. William Itrockhnff, Phone 573. sd FOR SALE 25 jirs, weight 40 pounds. Rohm Robiaon, 1 -t miles west of Four Corners.

H.rl rvK bAbr, modern Home 411 Mill street. For information call at The Travis Carter Co. Inc. a2Mtf FOR SALK 4mid voung work mule. Mr.

rid Schrocr, I'hom- Dudieytown. 1. FOR BALK Wood: mill, block, heating, kindling, cook. Cull 709. shltf i FOR SALK Ruby carriage Good condition, (ill Eat Third.

v. s7d DROP APPLES Hall Orchard Co. Phone 753. a3idtf 1 FOR SALB-dlug loom. 52.1 West Tipton.

s5d 3 I 14 CHEVY SEDAN tU4 P0NT1AC SEDAN 1KB CHEVY COUPE IS3I F0RO TUO0R 1332 CHEVY COACH I83 CHEV. COUPE It33 CHEVY COACH 1828 CHEVY COUPE om rmmrH IZlOVFClcl Co. CAnrciCTncci yVRr church. 7R yT 1 fe IT tent persuasion by his friend, Ken Hehr, in Xew York. Amelia Karhurt Putnam, who has l'lown over two oceans, had to be content with fifth place after biittlinir with loose door of her "Flying Laboratory' that nearly ton- her and her com paiiion, Helen Mickey, of Pittsburgh, out oi the plane.

F.vcti hef ore the race started. Col. Turner, who was ihwimI out by Howard ill last year's race, narrowly escaped serious injury recently in a crash which wrecked his Hctidix entrant in New Mexico on the way to New York. Jadge Michael A. MasmajUM Judge Michael A.

Musmanno, Who becomes presiding judge: of criminal courts In PUUburgh Sept In prison. But don't get the wrong Musmanno went to Western Pennsylvania penXten tlary' voluntarily. He belteves he should live the life of prisoner so he can better fit himself for the duties of presiding Judge. The judge is going to. the prison each morning fora; day's! Ufa vY 'i thara, 1, Judge Is "Prisoner" 1:1 I WIHE Trial By Long Distance Arretted and brought to court in Tampico, for the criiiu-a of horse-gtealing and house-breaking committed in Victoria about "200 miles distant, Oaudio Lopes' presented a difficult problem A the presiding judge.

With Victoria outside of his circuit and knowing that to bring tbe whiiesses to Tampjco would reuicpisiderablepense and waa decided to itake the evidence; oyer the This and Lopetrreceive4 Rep ernes h. L. jr ffk "I Know, Davs; I Know. What's Her Addrsstr Mr. Pardaloe!" she cried.

"Where Is Bill? Where Is he?" "He's on his way hack to the hospital." "Is he hurt? Is he wounded? Tell cred the frantic girl. "Why, no. yes that is, be whs alniln' to get back to the hospital before Doc found out he was gone," parried the veteran awkwardly. CSTpy intervened sternly: -Wnere la he-now? Talk, Bill!" "AlO't I talkin'? He's on the way here with Bob Scott." --Then be -not burt -cried JanSr-l ne-, yea--- nuty "Where you from?" demanded Carpy, still stern. Deep Creek." "Was there a fight "There was a little brush, Denison wounded?" 'iWhy I guess he was pinked; Doc." "Where wss be hit?" "In the forearm.

Doc. We got a tourniquet on that he got another In the stomach." "We'll bring htm ont. It that's all. Who was In tbe right? Talk fast IT i McCrossen and Barney with nm.T7 --r- "Where ere' McCrossen ind -wtrsrrThey-WeT when Joaa ffyln' I'aa loft ue. Ut was ef.

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Kelle Weber

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Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.