PAGE TWELVE SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE, SEYMOUR, INDIANA jSATURDAY, JULY 2, 1983 Eight inches of rainu drench LaPorte By The Associated Press reported hail with a diameter just north of Knox, scattering "blips an inclfatKnoxin anirees arid powefliEei: east-moving storm. Earlier, Power also was out for a three-quarter-inch Tiail was while in South.Bend, where tree limbs were down Wind eight inches hit northern "LaPorte County'while Mar-I shall and Starke counties had about five" inches. Rainfall at Valparaiso was estimated to be close to six and street water up to two feet deep was reported It will be very hot and sul-. try in Indiana through Sun-: day, forecasters said today. Tonight will be fair with a chance of thunderstorms in the north.
Scattered thunderstorms are then possible for all of Indiana Sunday. A weak low pressure area in the central plains' will continue to deliver hot steamy air into Indiana through 7 Sunday. The weather service issued a severe thunderstorm watch for much of northefnjndiana Friday night. It' expired at midnight: A tornado warning" was Jssued at 7:25 p.m. for LaPorte- County after a weather spotter reported funnel cloud four miles west of LaPorte.
Another tornado warning was issued at about the same 'time for southern Allen and northern Wells counties. State poiicet Fort Wayne- gusts were clocked at 55 jnph at the South Bend airport. Trees also; were reported down around Demott. A trailer was overturned-and power lines were toppled two miles north of Winamac Trees were downed and a radio tower was pushed over 10 miles west of Rochester. There also were reports of trees and power lines down in Noble ana Whitfey counties, 3: Newsy Paragraph Rainfall estimated at more than eight inches drenched.
northern LaPorte Count Friday night as thunderstorms pounded northern Indiana. The National Weather Service issued a. flash flood warning for southern LaPorte, Marshallt southern Kosciusko, Starke and northern Fulton counties after reporting the heavy down-: pours. The service said rainfall estimated at more than CANOLEWICKING STENCILING SIGN OfMiOW FOR. WORKSHOP SPENCER CRAFT ft HOBBY 26lS-20l7EWING S22 7480 SEYMOUR 1 1 1.1 WEST TOWN Kixed Cn The Job.
Ko Ko Over-Run. FOLLEY Building Supply, Ine. 1335 Bnan '522-2618 reported a funnnel cloud two miles south of Indiana 114 and east of S'. 24 shortly before 7 p.m. State police said trees were uprooted near South Whitley in Whitley County.
The National Weather Service reported that at 913 p.m., amateur radio spotters Regatta royalty spotted at Hamlet. The weather servlce re-, ported receiving reports of ball up to two inches in diameter as a stonn moved to-' Lake and Porter county. No serious injury or major damage was reported from Friday's, storms. A tornado watch, issued from 10:30 a.m. until 4 p.m.
for an area north of a line from Rockville in Parke County to Portland in Jay County, was. canceled two hours before it was due to expire-when the storms moved nto Ohio and Michigan. Trees were uprooted in the Valparaiso area Friday morning. There was an un confirmed report of a funnel cloud near Valparaiso, and parts of the city we're without electricity for a time. A Knox police officer said a funnel cloud dipped down iaL Tom and Carol Persinger, 415 Highview Drive, and will be a junior at Indiana State University, Terre Haute, this fall.
Brownstown's Marsha Persinger is reigning over activities at the Regatta in Madison this weekend, including Sunday's hydroplane, is a daughter of Slayings affle police, worry gay community PLAZA INDIANA QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED FOOD STAMPS GLADLY ACCEPTED OPEN 24 HOURS 7 DAYS A WEEK hi? mm bed. The causes of the deaths of the including the Petree youth, have not been determined, but authorities say all were killed none, died of natural causes or Police believe at least two killers are involved. If there were only one, "he would stay with the same method of operation," said state police investigator Dick Rice. FBI agents in Washington I L.J 1 nave given ponce psycuuiu- SUNDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY, JULY 3, 4, tuitday, july SEUIOR CITIZENS DAY gicai promes ot two Killers. One is that of a middle-class, DISC0UI1T RECEIVE A YCJ3 FCOD PURCHASE middle-age man who doesn't sleep with his wife.
He de- sires children sexually and is ashamed of it. The second profile is of a young man set on proving his manhood. He represses his homosexuality and is angry. FBI experts studied the files of three victims De-lvoyd L. Baker, 14; John L.
pAoik fi i rt YOU MUST HAVE A BAKERS SENIOR CITIZEN IF YOU ARE 60 OR OLDER, SHOW YOUR ID AND OUR CASHIER WILL PRESENT YOU A BAKERS SENIOR CITIZENS CARD. ALL DISCOUNTS ON EDIBLE FOODS (COFFEE TOBACCO TTEMS7PETTOOD NOT INCLUDE DT) McNeive, 22, in estab-1" Seymour Rotary Club will not meet Monday because of the Independence Day holiday. First meeting of the new Rotaayfiscal year will be held July 11 at the Elks Coun- try Club marked by a club assembly and official visit of the new district John Mead of Salem. 5 S3 50 Ct. Pkg.
La I spot, The 21 Club, as part of Gay Pride Week. Some of the contributors were police officers. "It was quite a change, quite a turnaround," said Ronnie Summers, an organizer of the fund drive. Carmichael said officers focus on the eight murders daily, "but the leads at this point are kind of slow." The investigation has taken officers from remote rural areas of, Marion; Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks and Putnam counties, where bodies of the victims were found, to areas frequented bythe city's gay population. While there are few clues, all of the victims were found with some articlenf clothing missing.
All lacked so-called defensive wounds, indicating there was little struggle or each was prevented from fighting his attacker. Seveti victims were white one was black. Three victims-were strangled and two stab Ctocs tvotd ACROSS. 59 Southern university 52 Heavenly 54 Prime number 55 Noted in- ventor SS "Feeds" a garden 57 German blooms DOWN .1 Give in Avg. solution 1 Hearts I Sayings Invent -MChuiri 14 Black Sea city 15 JRbma 'sland' i Actor Kelly.
17 Ore vein 19 Bog 29 Check -22. "Attack! 24Elec.unit 27 Foot digits 29 Beast of burden 32 Grayish and speckled 35 Box 3 Aching 37 Knight's tiue 38 Asian holiday 4t Fuse together 42 Haggard -novel 44 Arm bone 41 Dry- I iTHP ASS STfll Ail i MIO RINDNOiDEiaO I iN KD AiOIK PE ISiTflH mm IWII'NELJ Answer to -1, 3 Fischers Fully Cooked 0 C9I 2-14 Oz. Btls 1 3 si59 Mr 'Hefty 1-- FOAM PLATES Whole or Half A me iiicui euicii pro-files. By Eugene Sbeffer 2 Kitchen item 3 Stair part 4 Double curve 5 Zoo enter- tainers I Etching stuff 7 Lavishes love on 8 "Eureka!" 9 Course goals time: 23 mi n. 19 Great lake 11 Musial, for one 12Cur "18 Crossword entry 21 Greek vowel 23 Devil 24Fool t5 Chart 2CBloodcell .28 Knife, at times 30 Island garland 31 Go awry 33 Roman three "34 Conger.
39 Piano worker 41 CSA president 42 Blend 43 Islands' dance 745Camera feature .47 Stand 48 Privy to 49 Lair 51 Hail! -53 Altar words ROYURESI ST 5 OlN 'S TB EpGEfiL 7-2 IGA Tablerite- uncoil SkNi 'INDIANAPOLIS (AP) Stanley E. Berg says the police don't know who they're looking for, in 'trying to solve a string of homosex- ual-related killings "because they don't like to admit we exist." The "we," says Berg, is Indianapolis' gay community by his estimate 50,000 to 130,000 of the metropolitan area's 1.5 million people. "It's a situation where we are in the heart of the Bible belt, and the police don't like to admit that we exist," he says. "Police have never had anything to do with gay people in the past, and because of that they don't know what they are looking for; They just know so little." Homosexuals have, asked to attend police meetings on the case anojone says investi-. gators should bring in a gay police officer from San Fran- cisco because the murder- scenes might yield clues that only a homosexual-would understand.
The killings began in June 1980 with the death of Michael S. Petrjge, 15. Six of the victims died in the past year, four in the last six months. The victims included a 14- men ranging in age up to 27. Police say they now fear a 19-year-old Indianapolis man missing since June 24 may be the ninth victim.
i. All of the victims were in some way acquainted with the gay community by Berg's estimate, gays make up 50,000 to 130,000 of the met- ropolitan area's 1.5 million people. Some of the victims were hustlers, police say. While the killings have not panicked the city's gay community, Berg said homosex-' uals are worried. "The police have tended to -treat gay'murders much as they used to treat the deaths of poor blacks: just one less to have to worry about," Berg said.
"And they file it Capt. Larry Cartfiichael of the state police investigations section said he under-' stands the gays' frustration, but "there are certain proce- -dures we have to comply with." Referring to the homosexual community, he said, have no intention of sidelining them." Carmichael is working with a task force of city and state officials and repre-' sentatives of police agencies from counties surrounding Indianapolis. He has met with "a couple of representatives of the gay communlty71hcluding Berg. We have a fairly good relationship going and they've been very helpful so far. Any leads they get, they will call us.
We've also put some money into a reward fund in hopes we can entice some-ome to come forward with in-; formation." The reward is $1,500, In- -eluding $500 each from the state police, The Works magazine and the Greater Indianapolis Gay Business' Association. In addition, an estimated $3,200 was raised for the reward fund by local night LK eiNnwE'THR'o'e! KELLO YELLO, R'E TA3, SPRITE, WELCH'S 1733 SCEPFES GiuH ALE yesterday's puzzle; rri rsrs. 7-2 i rr. 5 5" tt- i2 i3 p1'r utWf-nlJ RgLaJaS 24 25 26 28 29 aaSl 33 34 r3B TTT-137 jr 'Tvtys 60 51 52 53 I 1 I I In I I I inn Plastic Limit 2 Please JJ Stokely CATSUP. 1 irzawrraa tm size 15 ytfr COOICED IlAr.l J2Z Niewedde Grade SMALL EGGS Glazed ytjusi CRVPTOQUD? NIG AWA LKWCIV EMH UDZZHA'EF VD LWZZ YQV AUQCDK VZG? Yetlerday'i Cryptoqulpf FORMER AQUARTUM GUESTS GET QUITE A CHARGE FROM THE ELECTRIC EEL.
The Cryptoqnlp is a simple substitution cipher in which each letter used stands for another! you think that equals tt will equal throughout the puzzle. Single letters, short words, and words using an apostrophe can give you clues to locating vowels. Solution Is accomplished by trial and error..