Equine Trail Sports (2025)

1. Equine Trail Sports

  • Scores

  • Trail, Obstacles, Recreational Riding, and everything in between!

2. Equine Trail Sports - Facebook

  • ETS offers a fun, safe format for the everyday rider and competitor to enjoy obstacles on the trail (TC), short trail (OT), in a small setting (OC) or other ...

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

3. Equine Trail Sports, 4 Beat Ranch, Hamilton, 24 August 2024

  • Equine Trail Sports . Event starts on Saturday, 24 August 2024 and happening at 4 Beat Ranch, Hamilton, NJ. Register or Buy Tickets, ...

  • Equine Trail Sports . Event starts on Saturday, 24 August 2024 and happening at 4 Beat Ranch, Hamilton, NJ. Register or Buy Tickets, Price information.

Equine Trail Sports, 4 Beat Ranch, Hamilton, 24 August 2024

4. Equine Trail Sports Southwest | Facebook

  • ETS gives recognition to the sport of equine trail riding by providing a variety of events open to all breeds. Do you like casual, fun rides (about 6- 8 miles) ...

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

5. Program - Equine Trail Sports | GHRA, Inc.

Program - Equine Trail Sports | GHRA, Inc.

6. Equine Trail Sports Competitions

  • Equine Trail Sports (ETS) obstacle competitions are a great way to enjoy your horse and improve your horsemanship skills! Since ETA was established in 2018, we ...


7. Equine Trail Sports Challenge - Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill

  • Come try our equine obstacles and customize your ride. You select the challenge level for each obstacle which best fits the goals for you and your equine.

  • Date: April 17, 2021 Equine Trail Sports Challenge Saturday, April 17 | Registration 7:30-9:00 am Equine Trail Sports (ETS) gives riders a reason to ride in partnership with their equine, as they “Ride for fun, Ride to learn.” Come try our equine obstacles and customize your ride. You select the challenge level for each obstacle […]

Equine Trail Sports Challenge - Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill

8. Equine Trail Sports - South Seattle Saddle Club

  • These events are through Equine Trail Sports and annual membership is $40 for adults and FREE for youth 22 and under! Your points from ETS rids accumulate ...

  • Come join us for obstacle trail challenges at SSSC! Trinity Trail Events is hosting 3 event weekends at the club and a buckle series tournament with four buckles – one…

Equine Trail Sports - South Seattle Saddle Club

9. Equine Trail Sports

10. [PDF] Equine Trail Sports

  • Equine Trail Sports. Page 2. Feathered Gold Night Splash GV04076. Owner: Diane and Kayleena McPherson. CHAMPION EQUINE TRAIL SPORTS.

11. Equine Trail Sports - Idaho Horse Expo

  • Equine Trail Sports ... In-hand and ridden obstacle course challenge! All signups will be through the ETS website. Our office hours are: Mon & Wed - 10:00 AM to 2 ...

  • Saturday, April 8th

12. Equine Trail Sports Competition - Idaho City, ID - LR Horsemanship

  • May 14, 2021 · Lillan will be competing in the Equine Trail Sports Competition event hosted in Idaho City, ID, during May 14 and 15. Learn more about this ...

  • Lillan will be competing in the Equine Trail Sports Competition event hosted in Idaho City, ID, during May 14 and 15. Learn more about this event and others here: https://www.equinetrailsports.com/event/12598/

Equine Trail Sports Competition - Idaho City, ID - LR Horsemanship

13. Equine Trail Sports Summit Valley Horse Center Obstacle Course ...

  • Aug 6, 2024 · Equine Trail Sports Summit Valley Horse Center Obstacle Course Challenge. Silverthorne, CO. Start Date 08/10/2024. Start Time 9:00 AM. End Date

  • Events posted by Catherine Schooling about Equine Trail Sports Summit Valley Horse Center Obstacle Course Challenge on Hometown Horses.

Equine Trail Sports Summit Valley Horse Center Obstacle Course ...

14. Sky Hawk Equine Trail Sports Series - Oregon Horse Council

  • The Terrain. Soft arena, and a soft obstacle course. Very barefoot friendly. The trail has some substantial gravel road for about 0.2 mi, then is a soft two ...

  • About The Venue Sky Hawk Ranch has been a diamond in Terrebonne, Oregon, for a long time. They have a beautiful indoor arena, as well as an outdoor arena, AND, ... Read more

Sky Hawk Equine Trail Sports Series - Oregon Horse Council

15. Equine Trail Sports Association

  • Jul 8, 2016 · Equine Trail Sports has grown from offering 23 events in 6 states in 2013, to offering 318 events in 21 states in 2016. Equine Trail Sports ...

  • By Holly Carson Equine Trail Sports has grown from offering 23 events in 6 states in 2013, to offering 318 events in 21 states in 2016. Equine Trail Sports welcomes rides in any state wishing to host an ETS event. Competitive trail riding just got more interesting and fun.  For the first time,

Equine Trail Sports Association

16. Introduction to Equine Obstacle Sports Clinic with Maral Eckenrod

  • Equine Trail Sports is one of the fastest growing equestrian disciplines in our area. ETS combines a variety of trail challenges, obstacle courses and ...

  • Equine Trail Sports is one of the fastest growing equestrian disciplines in our area. ETS combines a variety of trail challenges, obstacle courses and recreational rides in a fun, family friendly environment. ETS is great cross-training no matter your equestrian discipline.

Introduction to Equine Obstacle Sports Clinic with Maral Eckenrod

17. Caledonia Conservancy's Equine Trail Sport Event! - Visit Racine County

  • in 7 days · Caledonia Conservancy's Equine Trail Sport Event! ... (Think of ETS like agility for dogs only with horses.) Horses will manage various obstacles ...

  • (Think of ETS like agility for dogs only with horses.) Horses will manage various obstacles such as walking over a tarp, tolerating waving a flag in their face, and other challenges. Handlers and riders earn points against other competitors for national prizes. This event takes place at the Scania Lochiel Farm. The group typically donates

Caledonia Conservancy's Equine Trail Sport Event! - Visit Racine County

18. Beth Moran on Equine Trail Sports- the what, why and how- Ep 27

  • Sep 1, 2022 · Beth Moran is the Director of Events for Equine Trail Sports. In our interview she shares more about the sport, who it's for and how to get ...

  • Beth Moran is the Director of Events for Equine Trail Sports. In our interview she shares more about the sport, who it's for and how to get started with it. Learn more about ETS ETS Facebook Page Learn more about the 2-hour interactive clinic with Lillan Rome- Develop Your Horse: The 3 Stages of...

Beth Moran on Equine Trail Sports- the what, why and how- Ep 27
Equine Trail Sports (2025)


How do you score a trail class? ›

The trail class is judged on the performance of the horse over obstacles, with emphasis on manners, response to the rider, and quality of movement. Credit will be given to horses that: negotiate the obstacles with style and some degree of speed, provided correctness is not sacrificed. show attentiveness to the ...

What is competitive trail riding with horses? ›

A competitive trail ride (CTR) is a timed, judged trail ride. It's not a race in the traditional sense, as the horse finishing in the shortest time doesn't always get the highest score.

How should a horse approach a trail obstacle? ›

The safest method for crossing a low trail obstacle is to walk over it. If the obstacle is more than a foot high, your horse will probably want to jump it, but for safety's sake, don't allow him to do so from a standstill.

What is the normal score for the trail making test? ›

An average score for TMT-A is 29 seconds and a deficient score is greater than 78 seconds. For TMT-B, an average score is 75 seconds and a deficient score is greater than 273 seconds. Norms have been established based on age and education.

What is the cut off for the trail making test? ›

Scoring and Score Interpretation:
Ranges and Cut-Off Scores
TMT Part A1-39 seconds40 or more seconds
TMT Part B1-9192 or more seconds

What are the hardest horses to train? ›

11 Worst Horse Breeds for Beginners
  • Arabian Horses. Imagine a horse as ancient as time, with tales winding back to desert sands. ...
  • Thoroughbred Horses. Thoroughbreds are the stars of the racetrack, born to run fast and far. ...
  • Paso Fino. ...
  • Mustang Horses. ...
  • Akhal Teke Horses. ...
  • Shire Horses. ...
  • Belgian Draft. ...
  • Percheron Horses.
Mar 22, 2024

What is the most common trail horse? ›

The American Quarter is the most popular horse in the US because it's an extremely versatile breed that excels in nearly any discipline. But what makes it a great trail-riding breed? There are many reasons. First, the quarter horse is the perfect size for the average rider.

What makes a good trail riding horse? ›

An intelligent horse with good instincts and ability to navigate new, unfamiliar terrain are best for enjoyable trail riding. Look for a horse that is naturally calm and relaxed. They should be reflexively cooperative with an easy going nature. This speaks to the main issue while out on the trail and that is safety.

What is the hardest horse riding sport? ›

Trick riding is one the most challenging sports, in my opinion. Not only are those horses running at a high rate of speed, but the rider is also performing very risky tricks.

Is trail riding hard on horses? ›

As a general rule, trail riding does demand more of the cardiovascular system so it cannot be considered— physically, at least— an easy or rest day for a horse.

Do horses enjoy trail riding? ›

The change in scenery gives your horse (and you!) a new experience and may make your ride more enjoyable. Many seasoned show horses find trail riding to be a wonderful new adventure.

How do I get my horse used to trail riding? ›

Work your young horse in the arena first, then take him out on the trail. That way, he'll use his brain in different ways. If he's been on the trail and has seen obstacles from the beginning, you'll give him a good, fun experience that's making him a better, well-rounded horse.

When should you not approach a horse? ›

If it's not your horse and the owner is not with you and/or has not given you permission, it's polite to stay away. Stay out of a horse's blind spots. These include in front of their nose, underneath their head, under their belly, and directly behind them.

What action should you take if you encounter horses on the trail? ›

Approach slowly, pull over, turn off the engine, and remove your helmet. Avoid sudden movements. Wait until the horses have passed, and then ease back onto the trail.

How is trail grade calculated? ›

Often called “rise over run,” the “rise” is divided by the “run.” For example, if the vertical rise is 10 feet over a distance of 100 feet, the math reads like this: 10 feet rise is divided by 100 feet run, then multiplied by 100 to create a percentage, which equals a 10% slope.

How do you mark a trail race? ›

In this article, I will explain common ways to mark trail and consider the upsides and downsides of each method.
  1. Arrows. Arrows can be used to mark the direction of turns or if a hill or drop is coming. ...
  2. Flagging, AKA Course Marking Tape or Ribbon. ...
  3. Spray Paint. ...
  4. Wooden Arrows. ...
  5. Trail Marking Posts.
Feb 9, 2021

How do you measure trail grades? ›

Expressed as a equation: Percent of Grade = Rise/Run x 100 percent.

How do you score trails A and B? ›

For Trail A: The average time is 29 seconds, deficient time is over 78 seconds and rule of thumb is most circles in 90 seconds. For Trails B: The average time is 75 seconds, deficient time is over 273 seconds, and rule of thumb is most circles in 3 minutes. Generally time over 3 minutes or > 1 error is a failure.

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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.